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Peanuts II

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    Hello to you all and thank you for all your posts. Keeping up with all of you keeps me grounded and gives us hope. My husband has been doing the pineapple, sesame, and peanut tea for about 6 weeks. His latest counts have shown improvement in every catagory. Not a giant amount but it does seem to be helping and he is feeling better, which is a big part of it. The peanut shell tea is used in China to raise all blood counts. He is to have another test in 3 weeks. We have stopped Noni because of the effect it might have on the liver. His is already calcified (his liver, I mean). The Esiak capsules give him dia rear eek so he won’t take them. Do they do this to anyone else? Thanks again, Bernard and Bonnie



    Janet mentioned one time that the Essiac can give one runny stools. To combat this you might just cut back on how many capsules your husband takes. My MIL is taking just one in the morning and one at night and she’s had no trouble at all. Typically, when you have a reaction to something natural like that the thing to do is cut back and start slower. He may never be able to take 3 a day but he might be able to take one a day. In this case the potential benefit is too great to not at least try one a day. Then two if he handles one okay. BTW, I’m actually taking Essiac for something else in my body and with one in the morning I’ve had no trouble. Can’t hurt to give it a try. I’m glad the Noni information was a help to you. I think Noni is great for some, just not for those who already have issues with their organs.

    Best Wishes,



    Dear Bernard and Bonnie,
    My mom has been taking Esiak caps, 3 per day, since Dec. 5. They produced very mild diarrhea for about 3 or 4 days. This is normal and is the body’s way of ridding itself of impurities. She also had a very, very slight tummy ache once for about 10 minutes. Here is how to avoid problems: 1/ drink LOTS of water (not cola or tea). Oh, you can drink the other stuff; it just doesn’t count as “water.” 2/ Don’t take Esiak with food or anything else in the stomach. Take it on an empty stomach. My mom’s counts are getting better and better. She no longer has any diarrhea at all. The trick is in drinking water and taking the caps only on an empty stomach. Even our fine doctor (M.D. at Center of Excellence) says that the Esiak WORKS! Best of luck to you!
    ~~~ Janet


    I tried the Esiak caps for one month (3/day). I did not have any bowel difficulties, but my blood pressure went up significantly. When I stopped the Esiak, my pressure dropped to my normal within a week…so for now the docs have said to leave it out of my daily routine. I still am using Sinugard and Nutribiotic Defense Plus (available at most health food stores) which seem to help my immunities stay up. Even though I work with handicapped children (with plenty of viruses/colds/etc), my general health has continued to hold well.


    Dear Laurel, Patti, Bernard and Bonnie,
    My mom’s blood pressure became more stable after starting Esiak caps. She never did have high blood pressure, but her B.P. tended to be a bit erratic. One of the roots in Esiac contains a natural diuretic. I think this is either good or bad, depending upon what a person’s B.P. is. With my mom, it actually HELPED the B.P.
    My mom is NOT diabetic, but diabetics improve with Esiak and often need a reduction in insulin.
    We’re all different. I think this is truly a case where “one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” However, my mom wouldn’t trade Esiak for the world!
    ~~~ Janet


    Thanks everyone. Wow I guess everyone reacts differently. We will try the completely empty stomach. I think I will try them myself and see what happens. A little dire rear wouln’t hurt me. We will continue to work Esiak into the diet. I think it is so important. My mom was saved from a death sentence by Laetril when it first came out. So I know these things can work. The best to all of you. Bernard and Bonnie

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