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Pineapple and Raw Black Sesame Seeds

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    The raw sesame seeds can either be sprinkled on your food (1 tbls per day) or you can just eat them right off of a spoon. That’s what my MIL does. Usually, you’ll find raw, hulled black sesame seeds in the oriental food section of many health food stores and maybe regular grocery stores but not sure about that. My MIL gets a boost of 3-5k in platelets when she does this everyday. When she misses a day or two she drops very quickly by several thousand.

    Best Wishes,



    Patti, Thanks for the info on your MIL. It is so good to find something that works. I sent for some of the black sesame seeds and some raw black sesame tahini. We already got a pineapple and ate it tonight. Again, thanks so much. Bonnie




    To Everyone…Do your doctors recommend eating this way? When I mentioned ‘diet’ to Dad’s Dr., his answer was that Dad should eat whatever he wants to eat, whenever he wants to eat and to eat as much as he wants to. Dad has lost almost 20 pounds since the spring and his Dr. said that he isn’t worried about his weight…yet. I am worried sick over it but I don’t want to start mucking around with my own ideas and end up hurting Dad. That is why I come and ask you all questions. You are all very helpful and these different ideas seem to be helping all of you.



    Hi Caroline,

    Well, I guess you found out the truth about doctors early in the process. MOST doctors (I suppose there are few others that do) don’t believe diet has anything to do with disease. But it does. My MIL does what is called complimentary medicine. She uses what she feels is fairly “safe” from the medical field and uses a naturopathic doctor for everything else. We also have a very good herbalist that advises us on different herbs for different difficulties. Although, a good cancer naturopath is invaluable. Although many don’t know about MDS they almost all know how to help someone eat a healthy diet. See my post above about sugar, the foods we eat, etc. I think it’s on page one of this topic post.

    And here’s the real zinger. My MIL was given 4-6 months to live. She has very severe RAEB-t bordering already on leukemia. It’s been 14 months and she’s still with me. Feeling fairly well and doing everything she always has been. Still taking care of her retarded daughter. Still living on her own and driving. Maybe she’s slowed down some, but really not much. She is on a very strict macrobiotic diet and takes lots and lots of supplements to help build her blood and bone marrow. And when she saw the doctor two weeks ago (she hasn’t seen this guy in a year) he asked her if she was still able to get out of bed and get dressed in the morning! Oh, and he said his prognosis for her is still 4-6 months! When I told him she’s doing so well because of God’s grace and her healthy lifestyle he said, and I quote, “that has nothing to do with it.” So, there you have it. That’s what most doctor’s think. I still maintain that people go to doctors and hospitals to die, not to live. If you want to live, go to a good naturopath. Not that they’re any easier to find, but they do exist and on the whole know how to treat the whole body, not just the disease.

    Okay, end of Patti lecture. Whatever you do, good quality protein is what your dad really needs so see if you can get some protein mixes and throw in some organic fresh fruits (especially berries), bananas, etc. for flavor and see if he’ll suck those up. It will be good for him. And, if he’s overweight, don’t worry about his weight until he’s lost too much. If he isn’t, really try for the protein packed stuff. Meat (non-hormone, non-antibiotic – which means nothing from a regular store – health food store meat), organic whole milk, etc. Some health food stores (ours does) have a nutritionist who will walk through the store with you and show you what stuff will fit into the diet you’re trying to accomplish. Usually a free service here. Not sure about Canada.

    And whatever else you do, keep learning. Keep questioning. Your dad needs you to advocate for him because doctors really don’t care that much. I know others will disagree with me but that’s just my honest opinion.

    Best wishes,



    The sesame seeds I buy are very small and appear to have no hulls, there never is any residue. My husband eats two tablespoons daily on his porrige!
    His doctors know he has been eating them and the pineapple but really don’t want to make any connection between the rise in platelets and his choice of foods!
    WE are off to a larger centre tomorrow for pre admission work up for the removal of bladder stones and a prostatectomy, this would not have been possible without his platelets rising to 92,000 just hope they bounce back after the procedure.


    Hi Chris,
    Try putting them in a coffee grinder.
    Is there a disclaimer on the package? If so read it.


    Everyone has a different way of gettting the seed down. I was told using a grinder was best because if you just chew them, most of them are swallowed whole and you don’t get the benefit. My way is a little strange, but I can’t stand to eat them, ground up or not.I run them through a grinder and added them to a small glass of crystal light, they don’t dissolve so I just stir it up and drink it quickly, they are still not good, but I get them down and that’s what counts.



    I am very happy for your Mother-in-law. I also believe that God’s grace and healthy lifestyle have everything to do with her success. With God all things are possible….
    My Dad was told that he has a very long acting Leukemia and that he can be with us for a very long time but it is the other things that can and will probably get in the way and be very problematic. Right now it is his kidneys.

    You mentioned Protein Mixes. I could probably talk Dad into taking those with fruit. Can I buy them at a Health Food Store? Any suggested Brands?

    I have only been to 3 or 4 of Dad’s Oncological visits but this Doctor seems very concerned and vigilant about saving his patients. He lobbies for all kinds of drugs and doesn’t give up until he wins his battle. He is more the one who discusses medical approaches to treating Dad. He has 2 special nurses who are unreal !!! We can call them anytime and they spend as much time on the phone as we need them. They are the ones who would probably be glad to give dietary suggestions. I will take my list with me next time we go and talk to the nurse. I think they are Nurse Practitioners. One of them always sits in on every visit and takes notes.

    I am intrigued by all of the food success stories that I am reading. I would buy Noni capsules or juice but the problem is….if it is brand new to Dad, he is skeptical about trying it. I think if I was 79 I would probably be set in my ways as well. We tried a can of Ensure every night before bed but it gave him diarrea. Perhaps an intolerance to milk products. Now he is going to try a Fruity Drink Supplement. I could buy some of the Protein Mixes for him and introduce them as well. I think that he will at least give them a try. He isn’t overweight at all. He has lost 19 pounds in 4 months. When you look at him, he appears white and emaciated. His skin hangs off of him. There is no muscle left at all. He needs quite a bit of surgery in the next few months and has no reserve to depend on while convalescing. I have offered to give him some of my reserve body mass but it doesn’t work that way. I don’t seem to be able to give it to anyone. I am stuck with it. smile

    The other day he commented that he can’t possibly be sick because he isn’t in any physical pain…except for his knees which are full of arthritis. Bless his heart! He has already scheduled a knee replacement for February. I fear that he won’t make it through that operation if he stays as weak as he is now. I know that if he doesn’t get stronger he won’t be able to get the exercise that a knee replacement requires. In fact, he was supposed to have kidney stones removed next week but the Urologist won’t do the operation because Dad’s Coagulation Factors are not working and he has extremely high levels of Creatinine in his blood. I wonder if some natural cranberry juice or capsules will help his kidney function. I could probably get him to take those. Any ideas???

    Dad has been added to the lists of 2 more Specialists who will deal with his kidneys and try to get them in order so that we can get rid of those kidney stones and then maybe we can get the CMML in order too. I feel like he is entering a ‘pick your own poison’ phase. I really dislike having to help him decide on these dangerous drugs on one hand and then reading about all of this forum’s successful methods of helping the body and not being able to say, “DAD…here is what I think you need to do!” I have to be very slow and cautious. After all, it is still his decision in the end. If I were to suggest something and it failed and made him sicker, or worse, I would never forgive myself so I try to show him all of the avenues and let him make the decisions on his own or with my Mom.

    Again, your ideas are wonderful. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from you all !!!



    Hi Caroline,

    I looked up kidney stones stuck in the ureters in my herb manual and my Life Extension Foundation medical book. My herb manual recommended marshmellow root and cornsilk to possibly loosen and pass the stones naturally. Although it would be painful, it can be done without surgery. The marshmellow root should be taken frequently (capsules or tea)if he is passing a stone (he’d feel it!) because it will coat the stone and make passing a little “smoother.” Also, I would recommend you check out They will even talk to you on the phone about how to take care of some issues naturally. For his painful arthritis your dad could take MSM. You can buy it at a health food store and that stuff will help the pain! I have found that the chondrotin (sp?)that is recommended is not near as good as straight MSM. He can start with 1 capsule/pill 2x’s a day and if he still has pain he can take 2 2x’s a day.

    Protein powders are a little harder. If your dad can’t have milk/whey products you’d have to go to soy products. Which aren’t ideal either. I suppose in this case I’d say go for the soy based products. I used a protein powder from a company called Shaklee. I always bought the chocolate and added strawberries and bananas to it. None of the protein powders really taste that great so you’ll have to come up with a good concoction. You might use the vanilla flavors if you’re going to use unusual fruits. Usually the fresh organic fruit and maybe a little vanilla do the trick. But try it on yourself first because if he tries it and it’s not good, he’ll never try it again (speaking from experience with my hubby!). You can get protein mixes from most health food stores. Also, with Noni capsules, you can empty them into his protein drink and he won’t even know they are there. I do that with my kid’s supplements sometimes. If you blend it in a blender he won’t have any idea. If you can successfully get him to drink 4 protein drinks a day that would go a long way to helping him. Although he really does need to eat, at least that should help.

    If you can consult with a naturopath about your dad (even if he’s not there) they can really help you with specific things for him to do. Especially for the kidney stones. Because you can get rid of them naturally, albeit painfully. At least it’s not a surgery. My MIL’s kidneys are starting to show signs of wear so she takes something from Natures Sunshine called Kidney Activator to strengthen her kidneys. You can look at their website at

    I’m not sure how Naturopaths work in Canada. They aren’t usually covered by insurance in America. Some insurances do, but most don’t.
    It’s always good to consult with a naturopath before taking stuff but if you can’t find one contact the life extension foundation on the web because they will talk to anyone about what they should and shouldn’t take in their specific situation.

    It is hard to know what drugs to use. My MIL’s guideline for herself has always been that if it makes her sick then it probably isn’t good for her (ie. chemo that makes you throw up, etc.). That’s just what she used as her guide. You really have to come up with your tolerance level for using medical intervention. Each medical issue has its own merits for making those decisions.

    Not sure what cell lines are affected with your dad but I can tell you what mom takes for hers if you let me know which ones he needs increased.

    Best Wishes,



    Hi Caroline, Noni juice is already usually mixed with juices such as grape and pineapple. It would be completely undetectable to add a TBS. of Noni juice to other juices twice a day. My husband is also hard to get to do some of these things. I read the stories to him posted on this site, especially the ones with good results on weird things. He is then much more willing, but it is still hard. If he gets as much as a headache he blames it on the new “stuff.” But thanks to you all we are making progress. Your doctors sound wonderful. If I want my husband to take something I feel really important, I ask his doctor to recommend it to him, and then it is not coming from me. Your Dad obviously needs the vitamins and minerals contained in these natural foods, so I don’t see why the doctors fight us so much. Wishing you and your Dad all the best, and admire you for taking such good care of him, Bonnie



    You are a dear for going out of your way to help me with information when you are already so busy yourself….Thank You!!!

    We have alot of Naturopaths in our area. Problem is that they are extremely expensive. We are self-employed and have no insurances of any kind so we pay everything out of pocket, except for Medical Care, ie. doctors and hospitals. My whole family used to go to a Naturopath until our well ran dry. It was costing us up to $100 per week just to maintain each of us and there are 5 in my house alone. We had to stop going. It was a shame too because my husband became very ill and lost a foot of his bowel, my youngest daughter had chronic migraines which caused scar tissue to form on her brain, my other daughter had a brain injury from a horseback riding accident which kept her at home for 2 years and my son had to have his spleen removed as a result of a football-sized tumour all in the SAME YEAR. Hehehe…I sometimes wonder how I lived through that year and maintained my sanity but coffee became my best friend and got me through the days. I only ended up with 2 ulcers. Seriously, they all NEEDED natural help to build up their bodies and we couldn’t get it. They are all on the mend now except for my husband who still needs more surgery. I do what I can for them all naturally without having to go to health food stores…which are also astronomically priced. So far so good. Now my Dad and Mom are both terminally ill and the cycle begins again.

    Some of our health food stores have an in-house Naturopath who will give advice provided you buy products from their stores. That is about the best I can do at this point. I will check around.

    Dad takes MSM for his arthritis. He has been taking it for several years. Glucosamine as well.

    Shaklee….are they still around? I bought their products 20 years ago when I worked with a girl who sold it.

    Bonnie, if your husband is hard to convince of things, then you understand how difficult it is for me to introduce new ideas to my Dad. If my Mom suggests ideas he may listen but she doesn’t want to take all of my advice either. It amazes me which nuggets they receive and which ones they deny. It keeps life interesting anyhow.

    You have given me more good ideas and homework. Thanks again Friends.



    We’ve been juicing a whole pineapple per day, along with other hemoglobin supporting fruits and vegetables. My husband’s hemoglobin was 68 at its lowest, and he was transfusion dependent. Since starting juicing his hemoglobin has stabilized and he no loinger needs transfusions.

    A week ago he was hosptialized for a kidney issue associated with his heart meds (a long story)and his hemoglobin started to drop. Since I’ve had him home, he’s climbing up again.

    Today we told our hemotologist what we were doing; he seemed to be a little surprised, not overly skeptical. It’s hard to argie with results.

    We haven’t tried sesame other than tahini, which we use in hummus and baba ganouj; I have no idea if that is helpful.

    We have started seeing a naturopath form the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine; I’ll let you know if anything interesting comes up.



    I would be very interested in knowing what other hemoglobin supporting fruits and veggies you are juicing. My MIL in tx dependant every 4 weeks. She does some juicing and the pineapple for platelets but I’d love to know if we’re missing something.




    if you have any history of diverticulitis you should check with your gastro doctor to see if the black sesame seeds can cause a problem – my dad has to stay away from all seeds, nuts and corn because they can get stuck in the diverticuli and cause inflammation and major problems



    Here is the web site I used to develop our “juicing menu” for hemoglobin.

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