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Problems with the spleen

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Problems with the spleen

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    Just when we thought having Txs ( now at no 97)was a pain David has had a new development. Three weeks ago post transfusion he did not improve and experienced lower left lumbar pain. Of course it was a weeekend so by Mon his Hb was 69 instead of the expected 100. He was admitted to our local private hospital and lesion oin the spleen was diagnosed ultrasound. He could have been bleeding internally so was ambulanced to the nearest public emergency dept and after a CAT scan at midnight was told he was not bleeding but had a splenic infarct. That was good news because in his condition a spleen removal could have been fatal.

    He was put on oxygen Hb now 57 and given 2 units of blood and no more because it was not life threatening. We live away from the city so blood has to be rationed in case of emergencies. Since thne he has had 5 umits and seems back to normal.

    The cause of the infrarct is a mystery as his spleen was normal two weeks before. The mystery loss of blood was probably haemolysis of unknown cause. We are hoping it does not happen again.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this?




    Hi Helen…
    I’m trying to remember how along ago it was that my spleen started enlarging….maybe 7 years ago. It was very painful and still today, it is uncomfortable. It was up to 19 cm…after a CT scan….very big.

    It seems smaller now after the Revlimid and absence of transfusions….but it’s still large. I, too, have infarcts….but it is nothing my hemo is worried about…shrug. I asked about radiation and he said no.
    It feels to me (because of its size) that it’s pressing on my stomach and large intestine. I dread having a colonoscopy.



    Did he give a reason for not radiating the spleen. Since mine was radiated, I would be curious to know the neg, although it’s to late.
    Jack S.


    I honestly don’t remember what his reason was….sorry.




    I know infarcts are common when the spleen is enlarged but David’s was in the normal range so the Drs are puzzled. Because he is a “clotter” they scanned his heart but we have no results yet. They suspect there was some haemolysis to explain the drop in Hb after a Tx. It is all a big mystery we do not want to experience again. I have also read about radiation for an elarged spleen.


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