MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
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Really worried

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    Although I have periodically been reading the messages on the forum site and have learned so much, this is the first time posting a message.

    My father (Dinesh) is 65 and has MDS RAEB type 2 with normal Chromosome. He was initially diagnosed back in Nov. 2002 and was receivng blood tx about every 3 months. In the past year, he has been receiving blood tx’s every 5-6 weeks. His rbc has been fluctating between 8-11 with the transfusions. His wbc has fluctating between 2-11 and his platlets from 70-120. He recently was admitted to the hospital with pneumomia and with further testing they found that he has kidney failure as well as some heart damage. He’s been in the hospital for the past 12 days. He’s getting blood transfusions every 2-3 days (rbc keeps going down), is on diolysis every other day, and now received his first platlet transfusion because his platlets got down to 17. His WBC now is fluctuating between 30-45. They are having a difficult time in getting his WBC under control. He is on antibiotics and steriods. He is going to have a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow and a kidney biopsy next week. Does anyone know if either the antibiotics, steriods, and/or diolysis has an impact on WBC and platlets? Does this seem like that he may be going into AML? Also, are there any type of meds that could help the WBC or platlets?



    The only way to tell if it is AML for sure is to wait for the bone marrow results. Antibiotics, steriods and dialysis can all have an effect on WBC counts. The pneumonia can also be the cause of change in WBC. I know it is hard but you need to wait for the results.

    The doctors will tell you as soon as they know. There are to many variables for them to just guess. There are meds that can help WBC but you need to look for the reason why first. They just don’t know yet. Being patient is the hardest thing to do.


    Eddie, I was saddened to hear this news about your Father. I know your Mother was relentless in pursuing every possible treatment option. She has been a great support to a lot of us on the forum. We will continue to pray… for peace and comfort for her and for all the family.

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