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  • #4821

    Hello everyone,

    I recieved the results of my BMB at the 100 day mark. It is great, no evidence of CMML. Chromosomes are all normal. There are signs that I still have alittle bit of my own immune system still but he said not enough to be concerned about. And that it will disappear. I got the PICC line out and all my counts are normal. My platletts are 55,000 still low but higher than when I first was DX’d. My magnesium is finally normal but still taking supplement but has been decreased. We are tapering off all meds right now. I live in Wisc. and he said there has been an upswing in Influenza A here. So I need to be careful. He said he has a couple BMT patients back in the hospital. Also ICU has alot of flu patients too. So I will be a hermit alittle longer. I am soooooooo grateful to my donor and everyone who has prayed and been with me. Thank you. God Bless


    Marsha ~ That is GREAT NEWS!!! I’m so happy for you. You have come a long way baby!!!! Keep away from those nasty germs as much as you can!!!


    Marsha, wonderful news!! It can’t hurt to be especially careful for a little longer with all the germs that are everywhere right now.


    Im so excited for you. I am so looking forward to getting my SCT over with……..this waiting game is driving me crazy. Im told they have requested 11 donors blood. One has arrived so far…more to come. I am told three are domestic and the rest international. Wish me luck. Got a son home with 103 fever. Feel like I should pack up and leave. My whites should be on their way down with the rest of my counts because of the recent chemo. HOpe I dont catch anything. I walk around with disinfectent wipes and lysol spray. Im making him stay in his room. He is on antibiotics now.
    Congrats again……..keep healthy


    Yay Marsha!! Wonderful news! It’s definately wise to be a hermit until the wave of Influenza passes. wink


    andrzej g.

    Wow! That’s so good to hear these excellent news!
    I cross my fingers for you!
    Keep us posted!


    Wonderful news and it is always soooo good to hear it. Keep all those germs away.


    Marsha, So happy to hear the wonderfull news, “keep up the good work”.Wishing you a happy healthy life Kate


    Great News, Continued Good health


    HI Marsha, I’m so happy to hear you had such a wonderful report. Take care to stay away from those flu bugs. I went into the news web site re: the flu outbreak around the country. It stated anyone who wants the vaccine now can get it, family members who live with immune compirmised people as well.THere was also mention of anti-viral meds available to be taken during the first 2 days of symtons. Worth looking into. It stated that the worst is yet to come.Take care, prayers really do help.Prayers for all who are fighting this lousy disease. Ellie


    Marsha, that’s great news, and hope you can enjoy life on the “outside” very soon.



    That’s wonderful news Marsha!!

    You must be so relieved and happy.



    It’s great that you are dping so well at this point + 100 days. Treat it as a milemarker, though and not a destination. It is a continuing journey. Looking forward to seeing you pass the 6 month and then the 12 month mileposts on your journey in better and better health.

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