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Remission, I don't understand

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board Remission, I don't understand

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    My theory is this: if it won’t harm, and it might help, then it’s worth trying. smile That’s what we did with the pineapple and black sesame seeds for mom’s platelets and for a year it worked, then it stopped. Which makes me think that it must be the enzymes in these fruits that work with some enzyme in the body to produce the desired effect. When the enzyme in the body is compromised then the juice from that fruit no longer works. If I could only figure out which bodily enzyme it needs to make it work again…….. I need to go back to school and study this stuff but I stink at chemistry. frown

    If you try the pomegranate, let us know what happens.



    All the information was great, like you Neil I juat bruise a little easeir and don’t really have a lot of symptoms of a low platelet count. I have heard that pomegranate juice is good for you I wonder if it would work as well as eating a pomegranate. I will give both a try and let you all know if it helps. I have been very encouraged by this thread and all the posts. I hope it has encouraged other people as well. Joanne



    I was thinking of you today and the AA and platelet thing. Have you considered juicing green veggies several times a day? This is one of the best ways I know of to increase platelets besides pineapple and black sesame seeds. If there were just one thing I’d do differently for my MIL, it would be juicing greens several times a day.

    Something to think about.



    Hi Joanne,
    I would give the pomegranate juice a try.
    When I went on black sesame seeds they tore up my digestive system, even after putting them thru a coffee grinder. It was a bit disconcerting reading the disclaimer on the package warning users of potential purity issues with the contents.
    Still have lots of pineapple, not because of plts, but because I like it. Does not seem to impact plt level at all.


    My platelets have been steady or going up a bit since I have been doing the pineapple / sesame seeds and leafy greens. As a matter of fact all my counts have either improved some or remain steady. I don’t know if my jmuicing has been the cause but I don’t want to stop just to test out if this is the cause. I am not performing a study.

    Originally posted by chuckk333:
    My platelets have been steady or going up a bit since I have been doing the pineapple / sesame seeds and leafy greens. As a matter of fact all my counts have either improved some or remain steady. I don’t know if my jmuicing has been the cause but I don’t want to stop just to test out if this is the cause. I am not performing a study.

    That’s how we felt. Too afraid to stop for fear of a major platelet reduction. Mom didn’t actually stop the pineapple and sesame seeds until she became platelet dependent. At that point she didn’t have anymore of her own platelets so we stopped. But we NEVER wanted to experiement with the possibilities because it had worked for so long.



    Wow, Chuck, that is great news! I can’t remember if you also are taking the Nordic Naturals fish oil or arctic cod liver oil? or flax oil?

    I have found that the juicing keeps all of us here pretty regular, which I also think is very healthy. I can’t get my kids to drink green juices in any sizable quantities, but they will take a few sips of the carrot-apple juice in the morning. I think I have to find an even lower sugar juice to make.



    I have never been much of a natural foods person. Is there a web site that explains juicing and how and what to put in it. I have never made juice in my life. I have a lot of problems with high acid foods like pineapple on my stomach. I have never been able to drink orange, grapefruit, or pineapple juice without regreting it later. The green juices shouldn’t cause the same problem. I am having the problem with the pomegranate juice, too much acid. The Cyclosporine is hard on my stomach also I think. So maybe green juices are the way to go. Joanne

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