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Social Security

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    Good Morning Everyone

    Need your advise?input PLEASE I will be quitting work soon and need to file/apply for social security but there is appx $400 difference between the regular & the disibilty one from what I hear I am sure I could get verifacation letter from any one of my doctors for disibilty It scares me to even think of doing this because I have been at my business for over 41 years now but for some reason I am not always thinking clearly THANKING YOU all in advance for those of you that hve gone thru this

    Ron from Michigan


    I wish there was an easy answer to your question. It took me two years to qualify for social security, but I was 29 not 62.

    I don’t know of anyone who was approved for social security the first time through. I would consult someone who fights the agency on a regular basis for an opinion. Many of them don’t get paid unless you get benefits. It may be that their commission will eat up that 400 difference.

    The people at social security may be your best source for advice.
    Even though that is a conflict of interest, in my opinion.

    Do you have private disability insurance or a group benefit that you qualify for. I received my group benefit the first two years and then the disability company paid for an expert to fight for the benefits. My check from them was then reduced by the social security amount.

    Good luck, I am sure this will be a difficult decision.


    When my husband was dx with mds, he applied for ss social security disability benefits. He was 57 years old and his disability benefit was the same amount as his benefit would have been if he were to work until his retirement age. I don’t know if Mich. would have different rules concerning social security, you wouldn’t think so since it is a government program. There was a six month waiting period from time you apply to the time your first check arrives. However, with my husband they took the diagnosis date as the beginning of the 6 mo. waiting period, so was approx. 3 mo wait for the first benefit check. Good Luck!


    I qualified with my first application. My counts were too low to be safe out in public.I did have copies of all my tests and got s description on MDS and the life expectancy table-probably from this site that I encluded with my application. I think it does differ between states. My payment was a little lower-about the same as if I had retired at 62 and 1/2. I think I was 62. I had to wait 6 months (the same date I stopped working and put in my application) to get my first check. I decided not to worry about the lower amount because of the possibility that i would not be around to collect very much if I wated until I was 65. and I needed all the help I could get money wisewhen I needed transfusions & while under treatment


    I qualified on my first TELEPHONE application! I was sent pre-printed forms with all of the information that I had given the rep in the right place. So much easier than trying to fill in all of the little booklets that we had gotten for my daughter when we applied for her. My benefit start date was 6 months after I was first diagnosed and the amount is aout $40 less than if I had kept working until normal retirement time. But I do have to be re-evalutated every 2 years – just got the letter in the mail this week. I hope re-evaluation is as easy.
    Try calling and let the rep know that you are having trouble keeping things straight because of your condition. I don’tthink that the rep I got is the only one that is so helpful.


    My re-evluation was 3 years but they do it at 3 months under that time frame so the 3 month adjustment period in the regulations -if they decide you are no longer disabled -rounds out the time frame instead of being added to it. I have no idea what they will decide when they review my case in March. There are also imcome limitations-So if I ever find a job I am capable of doing and work more then very part time, I might go off disability that way. I am just taking one step at a time and doing what feels best to stay healthy at this point. Even without any brain impairment the new drug programs that go along with the medicare that comes with SS disability after 2 years is enough confusion to blow anyone’s mind!!


    What about medical insurance in regards to SS Disability? Do you qualify for Medicare.


    Yes,but only after you have received disability payments for 2 years-at least in Maryland. Before that you have to get medical insurance somplace else-they probably figure you have access to coverage from previous employer-even if you have to pay the whole cost. That is unless you qualify for medicaid.


    That’s kind of tough, the Cobra would be as much as the SSD payment.


    True, SSD definitely isn’t enough to live on but as the MDS patient I talked to who told me to apply said-it helps with the mortgage payment.

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