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Somebody mentioned a nutritionist, his name was…

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    Thomas Mantos……..I did a search on nutrition and came up with this man’s name. He has a website I believe from the post, does anyone have it? Thanks much, have a great night.



    Barb, Tom is Our Nutritionist. He is out of NJ but does all via Phone and mail. He will take a complete Medical History. His phone number is 732-219-9636. He does have a website but sometimes this link does not work.
    He really has Helped Bob, we have been using him since Last October 2003, bob was dx in August 2003


    Thank you Terri,
    I think Dave (husband with MDS) would like to try this approach. Thanks Terri…



    He may seem great, but check out first! Don’t self medicate….ask your MD about anything you want to try!


    Hi Barb,My husband , George has CMML, was dx Ocr/2003.He lost 40 pound the first 6 month, and was very sick all the time. In July he started to take vitamins and a supplemental medicin to boost the immunsystem . He stop loosing wait and feels a lot better most of the time. When his hmg goes low, of cause he feels very tired, and still has a lot of discomfort, but none as bad as before. None of his treatment worked so far, but the side effects of the treatments didn,t cause him as much discomfort as before.I belive the proper nutritions will help to fight the disease.Best wishes to your husband with his treatment and happy New Year. Kate

    John in GR

    Hi Tah,

    I hadn’t heard from you in a while. I hope all is well. While I don’t disagree w your advice, one must bear in mind that the vast majority of the doctors have very little knowledge re nutritional and alternative approaches. It simply isn’t what they’ve been taught and is not in the realm of what they prescribe. The problem with what doctors prescribe for MDS is that it generally doesn’t work. So why not try something with only good side effects that has some history of success. That approach certainly has worked for me so far.


    I’m not sure what you mean by “self medicate”.



    Barb, I don’t feel that we are self medicating when we are using the advice of a CERTIFIED Nutritionist. I read so many post with other members fighting infections, fevers etc etc and feel Happy that Bob is not suffering all of these side effects of this terrible disease but then Sad for those who are. We do Both Convential medicine, Bob is on Vidaza treatment right now as well as Medication prescribed by his Hemotologist, But we also use the Vitamins and supplements from the Nutritionist Advice, Bobs counts have stayed pretty stable and as I have said he is TX free since Dec 03.

    Most Hemotologist etc will believe and agree with property diet, however when you start mentioning vitamins and supplements to them they seem to shrug it off. I don’t agree with Tah since it seems Tah oppinion leans towards not trusting any Nutritionist.

    You have to feel comfortable with your treatment, I wish your Husband Dave Much Luck and will keep him in my prayers.


    Without good nutrition, the body hass trouble fighting most diseases. With MDS, we have to give ourselves every advantage we can get. Jim


    John & Terri….

    It is kind of like trying to be a being a Baptist, a Catholic, a Christian Scientist, a Mormon and a Seventh Day Adventist all at the same time!

    “Self-medicating”, I think is taking an eclectic approach to the problem, in choosing a bit of this and a bit of that, with no one “in charge”.

    I think that “self-medicating” is like selecting
    you religion a bit here and a bit there….

    I think that it would be far better to get competent conventional medical advice and stick to it, with running by it any ideas you might come up with, rather than adding to it on your own.

    Vitamins,exercise and nutrition are all important for everyone but if you decide to go overboard on any of them…..check both “” and your well researched and competent MD first!


    We are Consulting with Hemotologist and a Certified Nutritionist this is not self Medicating we are not choosing a bit of this and a bit of that. Sorry, But Not all Nutritionist fit your bill from
    There are good ones out there and I have a lot of faith in ours.

    To each their own decision, This is ours and is working along with the Conventional meds. And since when are Vitamins and supplements not Conventional.


    Tah, You don’t post too often, how are you doing with your handling of this disease. How are your counts, you still receiving Tx? What type of treatment are you using or is your doctor suggesting supportive care. Just curious, Many of us pour our hearts out to each other and the support and prayers are so welcomed. I do not see you joining in on treatment and how you are doing. I know I have learned a lot from so many here. Would never have known about the 5 AZa (Vidaza) if it wasn’t for this forum.


    Hi All, I can only say, that in my family several illnes was treated by alternative medicin professinals (not even doctor) with good result. Of cause, you have to be carefull, who is advising you.I do belive in vitamins and nutritions, and I also belive it is very hard to find a well researched and competent MD.But if you find one , you should discuss with him the nutritions, vitamins you are taking. Kate


    Terri is right, you don’t post very often other then to throw the “quackwatch” out there. Why do you always seem to shoot down peoples ideas? My dad passed away from a failed BMT. You don’t see me telling people not to do it. Instead I pray that they have a fast recovery and are cured from this dreadful disease. many people on this forum are doing a combination of alternative and traditional medicine, and if its working for them then God bless them. We all come here for comfort and advice, not to have someone constantly stirring the pot trying to adgitate them. If you’ve noticed, I don’t post very often anymore either and that is because I don’t want to tell new members what my dad went through. They have enough to worry about with out adding any negative comments. Just becasue it didn’t work for my dad doesn’t mean that it won’t work for someone else. Please try to be positive for everyone else’s sake.

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