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Symptom of MDS?

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    I just started thinking about before my dad was diagnosed. Actually looking back to when his numbers started to come back “off”. At that time he also started having a terrible time with constipation. At one point it got so bad that his bowels had become so impacted that they cut off his kidneys and he couldn’t even urinate.
    He drove himself to the hospital to get treatment. They gave him heavy doses of laxatives and they didn’t help. Also gave him multiple other meds to try and help including enemas as well as inserting a cathether.
    The problem continues to this day but is being managed by a daily laxative (miralax).
    Was curious if anyone else with MDS had ever noticed if constipation was a possible related symptom, (not from meds)?


    I never connected it, but I have had chronic constipation far a year or so, but I never have had it so severe. It is now better now that I am having more veggies and fruit, and sometimes take stool softeners.

    I never thought I would ever make a post like this one. Anyone want more details? Ugh.


    Bob has it also on a laxative also daily and we think part of it caused the intestinal bleed he had recently and that is why he is on the lax to avoid the Constipation. I know some of the meds he is on causes it too. Stool softners and over the counter lax did not help he is actually on a prescription lax


    If anyone woul like to tell me the symptoms of MDS RAEB-T?


    Both Vidaza and Dacogen cause severe constipation for me that lasts for a week to 10 days after treatment. I use a routine of about 3 extra glasses of water per day, a couple of Fibercon or Metamucil tablets, and 1-2 stool softener tablets as long as the hard stools continue.


    dear susi,

    you may want to investigate/research the role of liver function in the body and ways to improve bile flow, remove possible obstructions to bile ducts, and to support liver function in general through nutrition and certain herbs like burdock root, dandelion, milk thistle. i think you are astute to consider the possible connection between constipation and cancer. when the body is unable to excrete toxins at an adequate rate, the build-up of them in the body can screw up the immune system, cellular functions, a lot of things.

    laxatives aren’t the answer, i think, because they don’t address the root of the problem.

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