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    I get my CBC results today and next to the counts are the usual H for High and L for Low, next to my WBC is a P, I ask what that stands for, she says Panic, they wondered why my blood pressure was high.


    Hi Jack,

    At the hospital where I work, a Panic result (may also be called Critical result) means a Doctor must be notified STAT of the result. A Wbc count of greater than 50 x 10 9 is considered a panic value here, but it may be a different value at a different hospital with different demographics. How are you doing? Has your doctor contacted you regarding your wbc count? Hope you get some answers soon.

    Take care Jack,



    Hi Jack,
    My doc uses the H and L and H! and L! for critical levels. When the ! appears they repeat the sample analysis and notify my docs nurse immediately.
    On 12/1/05 and 12/15/05 they got a platelet count of 7,000 and 6,000. They prepared a slide to manually count them and kept me in the chemo center till they were satisfied. They were prepared to set up a platelet tx. In the past a manual count verified a platelet count of 10,000 which is about “normal” for me.


    My WBC’s are at 40.8, they have been climbing at a steady rate for almost 3 years, each month getting a little higher. I feel fine. Still traveling for work every other week. The nurse explained that the P meant to notify the Doctor, I was just looking at the humor in the Terminology, I would hope my medical care givers would not panic.
    My local Hemo said ‘Jack, this is getting serious and you need treatment, it’s life threating’, I asked what treatment he would recommend? He said “I don’t have any, haven’t you found something”. Now you have to see the humor it that.


    Hi Jack,
    Have you asked your hemo about chemo that would address the high WBC count?
    Have you reviewed Jimbobs messages over the past? He has/had a situation similar to yours


    Hi Neil,
    I keep in contact with Dr. Venugopal, a Hemo at Ruch in Chicago. He looks at my counts every month, he is against treatment at this time. There are drugs like Vidaza that could lower the WBC, but, it also lowers the counts and mine are close to normal, I have never had a problem with RBC and my platlets range from the 80’s to 130k. He is afraid for lack of a better word, we might stir up the pot and not like the results. If I recall correctly, JimBob had a sudden increase of WBC to about 300. Mine is very gradual, and the % of Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Baso’s and Eso’s stay in a consistant range. I will E-mail you a spreadsheet that you might find interesting. I’ve had no infections and heal quickly from cuts and bruises. I am mentally going through a hard time, I have been watching my counts since April of 2003, logging on the WEB site every day and following how everyone is doing, I know I’m reaching a point of no return, until then I try to live a normal life, stay upbeat and positive. It is hard sometimes when you see how your brothers and sisters on the forum are doing, my heart really goes out to them, Ive been lucky, if anyone with this disease can feel lucky. I’ll get off the ‘poor me’ wagon now. I’ve always respected your opinion Neil.

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