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update on my sister

Home Demo forums Patient Message Board update on my sister

  • This topic has 19 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by QQ.
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    i didn’t post a lot, but i am reading from the site all the time. It help me a lot from all your guys posts, and knowledge me a lot.

    i read your post about the Chinese Herbs, and really happy on the result for your MIL. i think i may continue doing my herbs things, maybe it already help me, let’s see.

    thanks a lot.



    I am concerned with your thoughts when you posted,
    < I told Mom that I want my sister live longer even if I would live shorter. > Do you think that donating stem cells for your sister could be detrimental to your health? Many people do, including one of my borthers who actually backed-out at the last moment because his wife was so sure it would overstress his system. I was fortunate to have three other brothers that were also perfect matches to me and the oldest one jumped in. He and is wife were also sure that it could hurt him, espeically because of his age, 65, but he did it anywhay. We were all told that preping for and giving stem cells from periphial blood is very little different from giving plasma or donating whole blood. The side effects are almost always very minor and only last a short time.
    It is wonderful that you are willing and able to help you sister but do so without fear for shortening your life.


    Dear Jimbob,

    Thanks for your post.

    From my knowledge of MDS, I know that it would not hurt me and I am not afraid at all. Mom knows too little about MDS (we don’t want her to know all either) and for most old people in China, they would think that it is detrimental. Mom is worried about me and my sister as well.

    But even if the SCT hurts me, I would still help my sister without hesitation if this will lengthen her life. She is too young. Her daughter needs her and we all love her.

    What I am concerned is that mine actually is not a perfect match, but the doctor thought that it is acceptable and it is almost equivalent to a perfect match from an unrelated donor. I just hope that the side effects can still be controlled without the perfect match from me. I also wish to hear more from you on your experince after your SCT. Thanks a lot.


    Dear Frank,

    I rent a one bedroom with my mom and elder sister. It is near the hospital. My phone number is 64076763. We can talk to each other when you are back and have time. Thanks.


    My eldest sister’s blood test results are normal before the end of 2003. The first time when abnormality was found is in November 2004. Following is some blood test results since then:

    1. 11/26/2004: WBC (2.8), RBC (3.25), HGB (125), PLT (153).

    WBC and RBC are less than normal, especially WBC. However, no reason was found at that time.

    2. 12/20/2004: WBC (3.2), RBC (3.33), HGB (122), PLT (103).

    Still the reason is not found and it looks a little better. No further treatment suggestion from the doctor.

    3. 11/08/2005: WBC (2.0), RBC (2.73), HGB (106), PLT (123).

    It is a serious issue since all WBC, RBC and HGB are less than normal.

    4. 11/17/2005: WBC (2.2), RBC (2.49), HGB (101), PLT (178).

    Some doctors suspect MDS, but no agreement. Some further tests were done.

    5. 02/17/2006: WBC (1.54), RBC (1.64), HGB (70), PLT (137).

    6. 02/20/2006: WBC (1.8), RBC (1.76), HGB (75), PLT (133).

    7. 02/27/2006: WBC (1.9), RBC (1.52), HGB (67), PLT (146).

    serious doubt of MDS.

    8. 03/16/2006: WBC (2.0), RBC (1.01), HGB (44), PLT (105).

    9. 03/28/2006: WBC (1.5), RBC (1.15), HGB (44), PLT (98).

    Diagnosed as MDS.

    Since early April, she moved to Beijing for treatment. She is currently undergoing 2-stage chemo. The doctor suggetsed SCT soon. Her blast dropped from 17% to 5% in the first stage. But she is very weak. These several days, she had a fever and recovered today. WBC is between 0.9 to 1.2.

    We seriously doubt that it orginated in 2004 when her office building is decorated. She felt sick with the paint. Although she moved to another company after that, MDS perhaps already started.

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