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Vidaza Information

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    Michael Collins

    Doctor is considering starting me on Vidaza but she said there were maybe a couple other options. I know it’s shots to the stomach. 1). Side affects from the shots? 2). How long can you take this drug? 3). How frequent are the shots). Actually I have been on Inqovi for one year now and my platelets are not recovering. Also, I might consider a clinical trial at MD Anderson. Thank you for your help.

    Eric Damron

    I have been diagnosed with high risk MDS and have been on Vidaza (also known as Azacitidine) for four cycles now. Each cycle is 28 days long. I get injected seven days in a row then there is a three week rest and recovery period before the next cycle begins. They want at least 6 cycles but as far as I can tell there is no real limit except the length of time it takes for the drug to stop working.

    As far as side effects expect your stomach to get very tender and drink plenty of water and maybe take a stool softener to prevent constipation.


    I just started Vidaza treatment after seven years of watch and wait. My COE physician recommended 3 days of Vidaza every 28 days. I’ve developed itchy skin and had a slight bout of constipation within 2 days of the 3rd injection. I’ve not experienced pain from the injections but did develop red spots at injection sights (arm and abdomen). So far I can definitely tell that I’m feeling more fatigue and find myself taking afternoon naps. It’s very early in treatment for me but that has been my limited experience. I should know by Xmas if the Vidaza is working for me.

    Bill Corbin

    I have been on Vidaza for 23 cycles, with each cycle consisting of 28 days. The first seven business days of each cycle, I receive Vidaza injections. Then the next 2 1/2 weeks are my recovery days; then repeat. My injections alternate between abdomen and back of upper arms. I prefer the abdomen because I have a little fat to make the subQ injections more tolerable; my arms have no fat. Injection sites get red and are uncomfortable, sort of like a sunburn or a bad bruise. My side effects are discomfort (tolerable) at the injection sites, constipation which is controlled with MiraLax, and nausea controlled with 4 mg of Sofran, and fatigue requiring a nap some afternoons. I am 79 y o. Began Tx Dec
    2021. Regimen will continue as long it works. Began with low RBC’s, low Platelets, and critically low granulocytes, and low other WBC’s. Now CBC’s are staying either low end of normal or just below normal for all counts. Platelets have been in normal for last 18 cycles with roller coast counts from mid normal to low normal. Took five cycles of Vidaza to see improvement.


    Just finished my second cycle of vidaza. So far the biggest issue for me has been constipation. Initially started with Senekot not very effective. My doctor suggested colace and miralax, which I’m using but started on day2 of treatment. Again dealing with stubborn constipation. I’m thinking maybe I need to be more aggressive and start combating the constipation a day or 2 prior to next vidaza cycle. Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated.

    Ashley Moncrief

    Hi Michael,

    The constipation from Vidaza can be rough. Increasing fluids and exercise can help move things along. You might want to check with your doctor to make sure none of the other medications you are on are making the constipation worse; some medications for nausea can cause constipation too. Hope this helps.


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