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We are Ill but are we sick?

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    Hi. I have a question for you all. I used to have 1-2 serious virus attacks per year. For me they were mostly the terrible sore throat kind. Runny nose, coughing, hacking, headache. You know.
    I haven’t had a serious sore throat cold or any other virus related illnesses for over a year. I am wondering why. I have this serious illness, MDS, but am not getting sick.
    So my question to my fellow mds sufferers is this. Has your incidence of common colds and flus dropped since getting mds? Is is possible that these common viruses get into our blood and go, “what… the… heck???…lemme outa here!!!”.
    (Or, am I just over-due for a cold??)


    Hi Jim,
    I experience much the same. I went over 4 years without a cold. But had 3 over the last 2 years. Last winter I had one that was really nasty.
    An explaination I found a few years ago may make sense. Seems there are hundreds of viruses. Once we are exposed to one we become immune to it. If a new one develops we would be likely to become ill, if exposed to it.
    I have been taking vitamin C daily (1000MG). If I feel a cold coming on I go to about 3000MG . Seems to work fairly well. There have been times I get a sniffle, take 3000MG for a few days and might get a cold sore, but no cold or flu. Happens a few times over the winter.
    I avoid crowds, kids with colds etc.


    Hi Jim,
    My father never ever got sick and he was very healthy except for hypertension which he was taking medication for until his MDS diagnosis. Already since his dx from earlier this year, he caught a really bad cold (due to my mom; i caught it as well) and now he has Shingles. I was hoping that we could fly without getting sick , but I can’t help but wonder if its cause his immune system isn’t as strong as it once was. His last cbcs indicated that his wbc is at a 3.2. Not that bad, but its the first time it ever took such a low dive. It has me worried.

    As for his shingles, I’m afraid that his body won’t be able to wean off the side effects as a healthy 72 yr old man. He’s in a lot of pain and it just breaks my heart.

    I read somewhere that there is a vaccination to protect one from shingles. I wish I knew that sooner =(


    Dear Choijk,
    I’ve known a couple of people that have had severe reactions to the shingles vac. One ended up in the hospital!
    Has any doctor recommended an antiviral, such as acyclovir to ease the shingles symptoms and hasten recovery?
    I suffer from various conditions related to the herpes virus that is probably responsible for the shingles outbreak. I take 500 mgs L-lysine every day to ward off the herpes outbreak (I have had Bell’s Palsy 3 times and so have some others in my family). Since I take the lysine, I have not had a problem. Some family members take the acyclivir if the lysine does not do the trick.
    Many doctors, etc. do not think that lysine is helpful, but it works for us. As far as I know, it does not have any side effects and may help strengthen our bones.
    Please read about this on the internet and consult your physician. Make sure it is not contraindicated!!!
    All the best, bety


    Thanks Bety, I feel a better knowing that maybe it is okay that my dad did not receive the vaccine. He is taking Acyclivir and is getting better. But he’s still in a lot of pain! Ouch. I just pray pray pray that he won;t get that post – something (I forgot what it is called). Thanks again Bety!


    If the cold sore you get is a blister on the lip, or elsewhere, please read my post above about shingles, etc. It may not be relevant, but just in case…
    All the best, bety


    The vaccine is given to children or anyone who has never had chickenpox. You can’t get shingles if you haven’t had chickenpox at some time. The shingles virus (herpes zoster) often becomes active again in older people because their immune system slows down, as does anyone with an autoimmune disease. Acyclivir must be given in the first 72 hours of a shingles outbreak to be effective, an it helps hold down the severity of the outbreak. Some have mild cases, more very severe. Herpes simplex is the virus responsible for cold sores. Same family but different strain.

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