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weight loss

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    My husband has lost almost 75 lbs since he was d’xd 3 years ago. He still continues to lose. He doe not have much of a appetite. Are others experiencing weight loss?


    Hi Sarah, I am sorry to hear Charlie is still losing weight. I think Bob is about the same or has gained some. His appetite has not decreased at all. With the Vidaza he takes his antinausea meds. He may eat a little less but still does the breakfast mid morning and dinner. He never was one for Lunch. We try to do well rounded meals. Bob is almost 6 feet tall and at the beginning his spleen was so enlarged that my daughter called him Budda. That has gone down to normal and if only I could stop him from wanted so many sweets.

    He has his regimen of eating then taking his vitamins and supplements so he makes sure he does not miss either of those meals.

    I hope Charlie starts getting his appetite back.

    How are his counts doing. Does he still have to get Tx?


    Hi Sarah,

    My Dad eats a lot and still looses weight. We got him a pair of suspenders to help keep his pants up!

    I am not sure why people experience weight loss. Maybe it is due to the condition of medications? The thing to think about is eating healthier with lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Take care,



    I’ve lost more weight since my BMT, I eat all day long cause I just can’t do big meals. The nutrionist told me to use Olive Oil in my cooking, so I use it on lots of stuff, guess it is high in calories. I don’t like those protein drinks like Ensure, Boost, etc. But I do use Carnation Instant Breakfast sometimes I make malts with it. I’m basically a fruit and vegetable person, not much for meat except chicken. Fish doesn’t taste good to me anymore since transplant. I keep losing weight but I feel pretty good. Take care.
    God Bless, Marsha


    Thanks everyone for your responses. Terri, his Hemoglobin is around 9. He does not have much energy.Other counts ok for now. Has not had tx in quite sometime now. Dr needs to do something do help with his low RBC and Hgb.


    Hi Sarah, Have they considered trying Procrit.
    Does he take any B12 or other vitamins.
    Maybe ask the dr if these will help. Before we got the Nutritionist, we would be so excited with the hgb being at 9 since they would not tx until it got down to 8 or under. Now if it gets near 10 we get disappointed. I know people think I am probably nuts but I believe all the immune support and vitamins the nutritionist has recommended as helped.

    I think of you and Charlie a lot, I hope he starts getting some energy and feeling better


    Terri, I don’t think you are nuts and even though I have not gone that route I do believe your suppliments could have helped. If I had not stayed basically feeling fine I would have investigated your way with a reputable nutritionist and my Dr’s. OK. I feel the same way about exercise. I am careful to get plenty-but it is easier for me because I am not low on energy like many are.

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