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what happened

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    I was asked to share what happened to my dad, and I can tell you what I think happened. My father was in Sloan Kettering from july to september doing inductive chemo in hopes for a bone marrow transplant, but he never went into remission, infact he progressed to AML. They then said that he could come home and he did he was home a day when i had to take him to our local hospital and he stayed there and stabilized, but ended up dependent on oxygen. His downward spiral just happened so fast. Within a week he was in a wheel chair and after another week the doctor was talking about hospice, all the while he was getting red blood every 4 days about and Platelettes almost daily, and he was also doing Vidaza. Once they said Hospice a week ago friday he asked to goto Columbia Presbyterian. We had an appointment for last Wednesday. On tuesday we had a doctors appointment he had to get platelettes and his red was 7.8, they did not transfuse because they had just done that Sunday night. Wednesday morning we headed down to the city for our appointment and he was short of breath and tired. At 2nd avenue off the FDR he of all things had to goto the bathroom and became very agitated and short of breath so I pulled onto the curb and was helping him and he just collapsed we flagged down an ambulance and they took him to the hospital and it happened to be Columbia Presbyterian and he was rushed there and died a short while later – they said due to a long standing illness I refused the autopsey but I think he had a bleed in his brain his platelettes always ran around 1,000 and the disease was starting to really affect his lungs and brain I think. I was not an infection he had VRE in his liver but was not symtomatic no fevers at all. What else could it have been?


    Thank you for sharing what I could only imagine, a very painful memory. I can’t believe it all happened so fast. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers tonight…..

    Alice S

    Dear Poppyshope

    Thanks for sharing, we are a family here, and we share your pain at this time. Will keep you in my prayers.



    Really sorry about the terrible ordeal he & you went through. wow that happened fast! feel better that he is at peace now from this disease.

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