MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
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  • in reply to: Start of a great adventure #5852

    I hope it all goes well for you. I am also having a BMT at the hutch as soon as the insurance company okays the procedure and the typing.That won’t begin until June 1st. I also am concerned that it might progress to AML before I get the chance. I will be waiting to hear how it all goes for you….an advantage for me….to know what to expect…you being the forerunner!!

    God bless as you wait for all the details to be worked out.

    in reply to: ins. doesn't cover typing #5807

    If I try to fight this now, it will take the month of May before it is resolved. Then we will be switching to Aetna. It doesn’t seem feasible. The only other thing I could do to get the typing from my sis. this month is to pay for it myself. I think we will take the risk that I will stay stable one more month, at least we are praying and asking God to help in that regard. I have a concern that Aetna will try to find a loophole, like a preexisting condition or something and deny benefits. I try to live one day at a time in that regard though. I just don’t know the future and if I try to live there I get so anxious. So I will let tomorrow take care of itself.

    Today I feel okay and that is a blessing to me. Each day will have to be precious now. I always say, “Don’t just be alive, but really live!” That means that I spend time in worship and prayer, and reading God’s word. If my spirit is filled up I can face anything. Then I need to meet the needs of those around me, in big and small ways. It helps to care more about others than I care for myself.

    Sometimes I cry because I am disappointed with This impending illness and all that will involve. It is a fearsome thing! But then I try to say “What is right with this picture!” I can always find something to be thankful for.

    My heart goes out to all of you in whatever stage you are going through, caregivers and fellow strugglers. This is hard, isn’t it? No denying that. But we will get through it. This support here is so helpful. Thanks for the advise and care……

    in reply to: We lost the fight #5762

    Dear Kate, We are so sad to hear the news…Although nothing can take away your sorrow right now, hoping you’ll know that we love you and are praying for you.

    May God bless and comfort you and enfold you in His love and care.
    Hugs, Lola

    in reply to: some good news #5368

    Okay, so now, I REALLY like this post!! I feel a little HOPE creeping in :p

    in reply to: rambling…..waiting for appt. on Mon…….. #5341

    Thanks everybody. I promised myself, NO MORE SURFING. Enough is enough. Nothing really new now anywise.

    3 more days to wait for this crazy appt. and then I will feel GRRREAT. I think I can handle anything if it is spelled out, it is just the murky gray that drives me bananas.

    I went to Riverfront park with my Grandkids today, 6,5,3 1/2, 9mos. We rode on the kiddy rides, they like gramma to go on too! So I did! It even rained on us and we just laughed it off!

    How often I have to remind myself, Lola, today you are ALIVE so for heaven’s sake, REALLY LIVE!!

    in reply to: rambling…..waiting for appt. on Mon…….. #5340

    Thanks everybody. I promised myself, NO MORE SURFING. Enough is enough. Nothing really new now anywise.

    3 more days to wait for this crazy appt. and then I will feel GRRREAT. I think I can handle anything if it is spelled out, it is just the murky gray that drives me bananas.

    I went to Riverfront park with my Grandkids today, 6,5,3 1/2, 9mos. We rode on the kiddy rides, they like gramma to go on too! So I did! It even rained on us and we just laughed it off!

    How often I have to remind myself, Lola, today you are ALIVE so for heaven’s sake, REALLY LIVE!!

    in reply to: Mayo Clinic Rochester #5267

    Thanks for the replies. I am still in denial in many ways. I am just on B6 now as treatment, pretty easy! I don’t feel that poorly even tho I know I am anemic. I just can’t believe I have something so serious without feeling sick. I don’t know how this progresses. I suppose I wake up one day and feel just awful. I guess I will get a dose of reality when I go to Seattle next Monday. I know I will probably not want to be moving when this disease begins to progress. But when will that be ARGHH… I liked breast cancer and the treatments WAY Better!!! eek

    in reply to: Mayo Clinic Rochester #5262

    We are considering a move to Minnesota. I am probably just kidding myself that I can make plans about moving like I was not even ill. This is something we tossed around before my diagnosis. Just wondered if the Mayo clinic would be as good as The Fred Hutch in Seattle. I know Seatle is the best when it comes to BMT. But I have not signed up for anything like that as yet. I am consulting with them next monday. I don’t actually know much about my specific diagnosis as yet or any plans for treatment.

    in reply to: Another bump in the road #5179

    I too have been fighting breast cancer for the last four years, having a recurrence two years ago. I ended chemo in April of 2003. I have the her2neu/gene which makes my BC more aggressive but they have come up with Herceptin, a miracle drug for us girls with this speciality, which has been keeping us alive.
    Alas, all the chemo has given me MDS just when I was winning the battle with BC. They do not do SCT anymore for Breast cancer because so many of the patients were not surviving the treatment. They found the girls did better with less chemo.
    It is frustrating to have the treatment cause another disease that is much worse in some ways.

    I go to Seattle to see about a BMT in April. But I know I still have BC cells running around in my blood. My curiostiy now is what will kill me:BC, MDS, AML or the treatment for it!!!!! ARGHH There just has got to be a better way out there. I pray that some little guy stirring up a little something in his basement this very moment will set us free from this particular set of problems we are all facing…

    My heart goes out to all of you who have lost your loved ones recently. I am counting on the God of all Comfort to be there for you now. For the ones who actually have this disease and have the courage to read these posts, and it DOES take courage, I pray that you will have all the strength you need to meet the challenges of this day.

    I like this little quote: “The butterfly counts not the months but the moments….and has time enough…

    We must be careful to not let our health or our loved ones health be all we know. We must treasure the good things in life, not miss them by such attention to the bad things. Spring is here up north now and I still love the first daffodil. We all just have this day to hold in our hand. Let’s make it a happy one by counting our blessings. It just comes down to focus I guess.
    Hugs, Lola

    in reply to: I'm new here #4292

    Hi Jennifer, I also am a breast cancer survivor and have just been diagnosed with Chemo induced MDS. After all we have been through, I am sure we will find a way to face this head on as well. I am thankful you are close to the experts and I hope you will learn alot at the lecture. Share the findings. I would love to know if there is anything we can do.
    God Bless, Lola

    in reply to: NEW TO MDS #4265

    Thanks for replying. I don’t know what I would do without my breast cancer forum. They help me so much. I am so glad I have found this forum. Ofter the onc. listens to what I find on the forums. I like the idea of seeing what other onc. are doing. That helps so much. I will see if I can find information on the center in Seattle. I will ask my onc. on Wed. I do not know as yet my staging, etc. I hope my onc. will give me this infor. He is very stingy with infor. Always has been.
    Hugs, Lola

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