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  • in reply to: Help with Treatment Options #17573

    Christine! You are too sweet! Thank you for this wealth of information!!!! I am so grateful that I was able to find this forum to share my thoughts and questions to a group of people who really understand what my dad and my family is going through at this time. I asked my hemotologist awhile back in regards to my dad’s diet and he just told me that basically my dad can continue to eat whatever he wants. but if organic foods and fish oil will help, i am by all means all for it. Thank you again! I hope to continue learning throughout this process and to pass this information one day to someone else in need. God bless.
    I noticed that you live in the LA area too. Do you mind sharing which hospital you are currently treating at? My dad is currently being treated at Kaiser on Sunset in LA.

    in reply to: Help with Treatment Options #17570

    Hi Patti!

    Thank you again for the great info! All this information is better than gold! I have been on this ongoing search to find the best treatment plan for my dad. Hopefully it will pay off and he will receive less transfusions.

    My dad’s doctor IS a gem! We are very fortunate to have found him. My dad is being treated at Kaiser in LA. Our hemotologist, just joined the Kaiser team from the City of Hope. He is patient and answers my billion questions I take in to every appointment and explains everything thoroughly that we feel comfortable when we leave.

    I will definetly continue to read throughout the old posts!

    in reply to: Help with Treatment Options #17568

    Thank you SOOOO much for this information!!! I actually went to Whole Foods today and was overwhelmed by the selection of Cod Liver Oil. I saw some that were in capsules and some that were in oil and I just came home to write a post when I found both of your great advice! Thank you so much! I have couple more questions though… how many times should I give this to my dad and in what dosage (Patti, I believe you recommended 1 tablespoon) and whether it should be taken after meals. WHen I was reading the labels on the cod liver oils I found today, none came with directions.

    THank you again! God Bless!

    in reply to: Help with Treatment Options #17564

    Thank you again for your post! I find myself on this forum everyday searching for informtion, whatever that may help. I brought up fish oil and cod liver oil to our hemotologist, and he thought it was a great idea. he indicated that although he does not have any scientific data, he is all for alternative methods. so now i am in the search for any information regarding this fish oil. do you mind if you share what type of fish oil pills you are currently taking right now? Thanks again Neil and thank you for those tips!

    in reply to: Help with Treatment Options #17562


    Thank you again for your post!! It is encouraging and I see a bright future. Unfortunately, not all my days have been bright ever since I found out about my dad’s dx but I keep learning everyday and I found this forum to be really helpful!

    I was wondering, what are your thoughts on alternative methods? i.e., fish oil, juicing, etc? I am trying to think of a healthy diet for my dad but don’t really know at this time what is good for him and what isn’t as effective. Any thoughts?

    Thank you !

    in reply to: Help with Treatment Options #17560


    My dad received his first Procrit shot today. Our doctor indicated that most likely it won’t work but that, like you mentioned, since there are no side effects, that it was worth a shot. In the meanwhile, my dad’s hgb is holding up at 9.4 today. (he received his last transfusion of 2 pints on 03/12 where his hgb stood at a 6.6) . Our doctor was happy that my dad’s hgb stabilized at a 9.4 at this time. Our next appt is in 2 weeks. I hope that Procrit will be working!

    in reply to: Help with Treatment Options #17559

    Thank you Neil for the message.
    We had a third opinion with a doctor at UCLA and he indicated that my dad’s something (I dont remember the name) is over 500 and that Procrit normally works for patients with a ____ level of 200.

    Today we have an appointment with our treating physician at Kaiser. I will definetly bring it up to him and I’m sure that the UCLA doctor’s medical report has been sent to him now for his review.

    I am just torn as to what type of treatment we should proceed with at this time. From reading through the posts last night, I dont want my dad’s levels all to drop and that maybe there will be excess blasts after Vidaza.

    But then again I dont know if we should take the “wait and see” approach. A transfusion is a must and one day there will inevitaby be an iron overload. I just dont know! I keep having nightmares and I just wish I can make the best decision for my dad at this time. Help!!!

Viewing 7 posts - 151 through 157 (of 157 total)



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