MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
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Jack Neil

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    We haven’t heard anything from either of you in a while. Jack – How is your wife doing? Neil – How are you doing? You are both in my prayers.


    To Jack and your wife AND Neil,

    I have also wondered how things are going with you. If at all possible, I’m sure that everyone here would like to receive an update.

    You and all the forum members are in my prayers.


    my wife is still in the hospital, recovering from the effects of clofarabine. it caused her hand-foot syndrome, and fluid imbalance which filled her lungs making it difficult to breathe putting stress on her heart which in turn lowered the ejection fraction to below 20%. she was moved to the CCU for administration of a heart med. It is believed that the heart med might have caused breathing problems which caused her to be intubated eventually to a ventilator for a day & a half. she’s now back in the bone marrow unit where she is gaining strength, then have a bmb, then hopefully will be discharged to home this week end. she’s not giving up her fight against this disease & still wants her transplant.

    Jo L.

    Jack –
    Thank you for giving us an update on your wife. I hope she continues to improve so that she can come home soon. How are YOU doing? I hope you have support system for your own health and well-being, also. Being a caretaker can be exhausting, so please take some time to be good to yourself.



    Jack, I really hope your wife will get to come home this weekend. I pray she quickly regains her strength and is able to proceed with treatment. God Bless!


    Hello — This is Mary Lou, Neil’s daughter. Dad is not well at all. We’ve just set up a Caring Bridge site, so friends and family can stay in touch., neilsmeaton
    Thank you for the kind messages that already have been posted.


    mary lou
    sorry to hear that about your dad. there’s a lot of corresponding friends here on the Forum that care about him. tell him we’re sorry to hear that he’s not feeling well & wish him a speedy recovery.


    Mary Lou,

    So sorry to hear about your dad. Praying for a speedy recovery. I can’t find him on Caring Bridge.



    Never mind, I found it.



    Dear Mary Lou,
    I am so very sorry to hear about Neil. He has helped so many of us on the Forum. My mom and I wish him and his family the very best. We are so grateful to him. Please know that we are keeping our thoughts of him always in our hearts.
    In friendship,

    Jo L.

    Those interested in news about Neil should check his Caring Bridge journal – Mary Lou has posted again today. He needs all of our good thoughts and prayers today.



    my heart is aching

    i can’t believe that we are going to lose the one person who really held this foum together – the one person who you could really count on for accurate advice – the one person people always asked for when they had questions no one else could or was willing to answer

    i am very sad



    I also am very sad to hear the latest. Neil has been a wonderful source of inspiration and help. He will be dearly missed by many here and elsewhere. I will be praying for Neil and his family.



    Hang in there. You are a fighter. We will be thinking about you and pulling for you.


    This is a sad time for the entire forum. For the five years I’ve been logging on, Neil has been the goto guy for information and advice, it was always accurate and well explained. He kept his personal opinions to himself and just provided sound information. He was this forums “google” and “wikipedia”. What a shame. What irony that he fights MDS for 12 years and gets hit by lung cancer.
    The man is irreplaceable.
    Our thoughts and prayers are truly with him and his family.
    Jack S.

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